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Health and Nutrition


Rosella doesn’t use artificial flavouring and avoids preservatives as much as possible to ensure their products are healthy and nutritious.  Many of their products are gluten, wheat and egg free supporting consumers with allergies.   They ensure their fresh ingredients are clean and safe from microbiological contaminants through regular testing and tracing items from factory back to farm.  This ensures their products are safe, healthy and high in nutrients.  (Rosella, 2014)

Occupational Health and Safety


Rosella has obligations to the Victorian and Australian government to design safe work environments to prevent risks to their workers.  To do this plant equipment and processes are regularly tested and serviced to reduce the number of workplace injuries and to ensure factories remain legal.  Rosella is covered by standard OH&S regulations however throughout their factories, safety instructions and signs are also displayed.  Staff under go regular training to ensure safe machinery use and to reduce harm. (, 2014; vwa, 2014) 

Environmental Sustainability


Rosella relies heavily on the environment to grow their product ingredients however the manufacture process does influence it heavily.  Rosella is invested in land care by ensuring their products come from sustainable farms where the soils are maintained correctly create quality growing environments (Rosella, 2014).    In 2011, Sabrands signed the Australian Packaging Covenant to voluntarily reduce their waste which now incorporates Rosella (Ethics, 2014).   Rosella grow and make as many of their products within Australia as possible which reduces the transportation pollution of products due to the reduced distance between farm-factory-shop-home.  



Rosella has a variety of policies to ensure the quality of its products, safety of their workers and the longevity of the Australian environment.  

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